摩 9:6: "那在天上建造樓閣、在地上奠定穹蒼、召喚海水、使其傾倒在地面上的,耶和華是他的名。"
Am 9:6: "He builds his upper rooms in heaven and establishes his sky-vault over the earth. He summons the waters of the sea and pours them out over the earth. ADONAI is his name."
詩 65:4-7: "你所揀選、使他親近你、住在你院中的,這人有福了!我們要因你居所、你聖殿的美福知足。拯救我們的神啊,你必以威嚴秉公義應允我們;地極和海角遠方的人都倚靠你。你既以大能束腰,就用力量安定諸山,使諸海的響聲和其中波浪的響聲,並萬民的喧嘩,都平靜了。"
Ps 65:5-8: "How blessed are those you choose and bring near, so that they can remain in your courtyards! We will be satisfied with the goodness of your house, the Holy Place of your temple. It is just that you answer us with awesome deeds, God of our salvation, you in whom all put their trust, to the ends of the earth and on distant seas. By your strength you set up the mountains. You are clothed with power. You still the roaring of the seas, their crashing waves, and the peoples’ turmoil."
團體照片攝於2023年3月8日 來自加州的
Tips:目前門票180里拉(約10美金),museum pass可用。
Am 9:6: "He builds his upper rooms in heaven and establishes his sky-vault over the earth. He summons the waters of the sea and pours them out over the earth. ADONAI is his name."
詩 65:4-7: "你所揀選、使他親近你、住在你院中的,這人有福了!我們要因你居所、你聖殿的美福知足。拯救我們的神啊,你必以威嚴秉公義應允我們;地極和海角遠方的人都倚靠你。你既以大能束腰,就用力量安定諸山,使諸海的響聲和其中波浪的響聲,並萬民的喧嘩,都平靜了。"
Ps 65:5-8: "How blessed are those you choose and bring near, so that they can remain in your courtyards! We will be satisfied with the goodness of your house, the Holy Place of your temple. It is just that you answer us with awesome deeds, God of our salvation, you in whom all put their trust, to the ends of the earth and on distant seas. By your strength you set up the mountains. You are clothed with power. You still the roaring of the seas, their crashing waves, and the peoples’ turmoil."
團體照片攝於2023年3月8日 來自加州的
Tips:目前門票180里拉(約10美金),museum pass可用。